An Introduction to Redux’s Core Concepts


This makes the state difficult to maintain and less predictable. But all of these benefits come with a set of challenges. Some developers argue that Redux introduces unnecessary boilerplate, potentially complicating what are otherwise simple tasks. However, this depends on the architectural decisions of the project.

Main pros of Redux

But that means several things need to be taken care of — most importantly, keeping the state immutable. 💡 A pure function is a function that will always return the same value if given the same parameters, i.e., the function depends on only the parameters and no external data. Remember, this data is not needed by the parent component, but because its children need to share data, it has to provide a state. One simple answer to this question is that you will organically realize for yourself when you need Redux.

An Introduction to Redux’s Core Concepts

Selectors use memoization, which means they only recalculate if the data they use changes. This stops redoing hard work when data doesn’t change. Middleware steps in before an action goes to the reducer. This means it can change what is redux used for the action, add more logic, or even stop the action from moving on. Middleware is the reason why Redux can do more than just send actions to reducers. In summary, as React’s state management evolved, Redux came to the forefront.

It’s tricky to see how data moves between components, keep things consistent, and prevent messy data connections. This gets challenging in apps with lots of features, user roles, and complex data needs. In the early days of React, dealing with component data was seen as simple. But as apps became bigger and more complex, so did the challenges of managing data. At first, local component data worked fine for basic apps. But as apps got more advanced, this approach struggled to handle larger apps and complicated data interactions.

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This does require work, and if the data for a given component hasn’t changed, then re-rendering is likely some wasted effort because the requested UI output would be the same. As mentioned in the introduction, Redux is a pattern that facilitates state management. It allows you to maintain a predictable state container for your JavaScript apps. This is important for consumer-facing applications where the interface changes based on user input. Redux is a pattern and library for managing and updating application state, using events called “actions”.

Main pros of Redux

Now to handle the action passed into the Reducer we typically use switch statements in Redux which is nothing but basically, an if/else statement. With a real-life example, we understood the principles and some common terminologies of Redux but how to introduce all these things in an application? To deepen your fundamental concepts in Redux let’s take an example of a simple React application, and we will refactor the app to introduce Redux in it.

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As the official binding library for React and Redux, React Redux has a large community of users. This makes it easier to ask for help, learn about best practices, use libraries that build on top of React Redux, and reuse your knowledge across different applications. React is generally fast, but by default any updates to a component will cause React to re-render all of the components inside that part of the component tree.

Main pros of Redux

On top of that, don’t forget that Redux is an in-memory state store. In other words, if your application crashes, you lose your entire application state. This means that you have to use a caching solution to create a backup of your application state, which again creates extra overhead. Store is the object which holds the application state and provides a few helper methods to access the state, dispatch actions and register listeners. On top of that, don’t forget that Redux is an in-memory state store. What to learn can be an overwhelming question for a JavaScript developer.

The Problem of State Management

Remember that you don’t run in one day, you first need to learn to walk. Accusations of needing boilerplate code is not a criticism of Redux I’m familiar with. On the contrary, Redux actually reduces boilerplate compared to the older Flux pattern.

Main pros of Redux

We are successfully dispatching an action, receiving money from the Cashier, and then subscribing to receive notifications. Now the will be re-rendered with a new state value whenever there’s a successful state update to the store. In the above function, we just need to call the function setTechnology and we will get the action back. We can simplify this more, and we can write the same above code using the ES6 feature.

Understanding Redux: A Comprehensive Guide to State Management in JavaScript Applications with React

Just like you follow a process to withdraw money from your bank, Redux also follows a process to change/update the state of your application. Actions send data from the application (user interactions, internal events such as API calls, and form submissions) to the store. Internal actions are simple JavaScript objects that have a type property (usually constant), describing the type of action and payload of information being sent to the store. State management is essentially a way to facilitate communication and sharing of data across components. It creates a tangible data structure to represent the state of your app that you can read from and write to.

Main pros of Redux

Data mutation logic is placed in the slice for every feature. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Discover the benefits of using Redux in modern web development. Learn how Redux simplifies state management, improves code maintainability, and enhances scalability.

Integrating Redux with a UI​

Till now the cashier in the bank did nothing with WITHDRAW_MONEY action. We expect the cashier to update the money in the bank vault and hand over the money to you. In our Redux app, we also want our Reducer to return a new state which should have the action text in there. For your action WITHDRAW_MONEY, you interact with the cashier…yeah??? This means if you want your money, your action needs to be passed through the cashier. When you are dispatching an action, it passes through the Reducer (cashier).

  • While it’s mostly used as a state management tool with React, you can use Redux with any other JavaScript framework or library.
  • This is especially true when you compare Redux with lighter tools like hooks and Context API, which focus on specific components and can speed things up.
  • Redux also offers a UMD build that can be used directly without any build process at all.
  • Further in the above code, we just need to define the do something part to return a new state.